
This is the website of the Barre Historical Society, owner of the Socialist Labor Party Hall National Historic Landmark, known as the “The Old Labor Hall”. Here you can find information about the history of the Hall, about renting the Hall for your event, and about how you can help the Barre Historical Society preserve the Hall and the Union Cooperative Store bakery building.
Primo Maggio 2024 was a big success. Thanks to speaker Robin Hazard Ray and all the volunteers. Thanks, too, to CVTV for shooting and posting the video: Watch it here


The Feb. 1st Labor Heritage Power Hour podcast features the Old Labor Hall, with contributions from our own Ruth Ruttenberg & Karen Lane. Catch it at https://yourrightsatwork.podbean.com/

Happenings at the Hall:

  • Thomas C. Davis: A Life in Vermont

    Oral history recollections by a 17th generation Vermonter, the son of a former governor, and himself a life-long public servant.

    Tom Davis was a political activist, public speaker, storyteller, author, and statesman. Also known as “Tom Terrific,” he was widely admired for his quick wit, humor, humility, kindness, wisdom, and generosity. Read more 

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Action, Camera!

Check out the Old Labor Hall YouTube channel for video excerpts from events at the Hall.